Sarai’s Knowledge is Changing the Cannabis Conversation

Most people in the cannabis industry have spent years surviving in the shadows, keeping secrets, and battling the stigmas created by decades of propaganda and prohibition. Sarai Knowledge knows all about keeping such secrets and facing stigmas through her crippling struggle with epilepsy. She credits cannabis with helping her live a more fulfilling life and giving her the courage to share her story

Dirt Farmer – Purple Tears

I started growing for myself in 2010. I deal with some chronic pain issues from about 25 years of riding a skateboard and Cannabis provided me a safe alternative to deal with the pain. I’ve always been a do-it-yourself kind of person as well as a creative person my whole life, so it’s in my nature to create things – it’s kind of what I do. These feelings of wanting to create something for the cannabis world hit me in late 2012


Decriminalization of all drugs in Israel

After years of conservatism and “Reefer Madness” style propaganda, the Israeli “Anti Drug Authority” had surprisingly decided to support decriminalization of all drugs. The Minister of Internal Security is strongly against the idea, but many Israelis feel now they finally have a chance to change the drug policy in the country – and they aren’t going to let this opportunity go to waste.

caseys garden

Happy Days Farm – Harvest Time

Bringing to a close the long cultivation season and marching us inexorably towards winter. This fall has been a wet one; the last time I can remember close to this much rain during October was 2007, and I don’t think that year was nearly as wet as this year has been. Our rainwater collection pond has gone from nearly empty to nearly full in the space of three weeks.