Flowering – The cycle of life

Hopefully by now you are looking at your chosen strains and they are big and healthy and well on their way to filling up most of your available grow-room floor space by utilizing all the lights you have. You should have also done your lower branch pruning about a week before now so your plants have had time to recover and are bursting with energy from the top growth (I bet you are dreaming of the glistening trichomes you will be looking at in the future).

Simple and Easy, growing cannabis with little time, cost and effort

For outdoor growers, cannabis growing can be as simple as ‘plant it and forget it for a few months’. Indoor growers usually have a little bit more complexity than that, but even indoor growing can be largely maintenance free if you choose the right technique. Some cannabis growers have the time and dedication to spend hours tending their plants, often visiting them several times a day to inspect progress. But other people often have to leave their plants for days at a time.