Cannabis Roots: A Traditional Therapy with Future Potential for Treating Inflammation and Pain

The roots of the cannabis plant have a long history of medical use stretching back millennia. However, the therapeutic potential of cannabis roots has been largely ignored in modern times. The current available data on the pharmacology of cannabis root components provide significant support to the historical and ethnobotanical claims of clinical efficacy. Certainly, this suggests the need for re-examination of whole root preparations on inflammatory and malignant conditions employing modern scientific techniques.

Survey says veterans strongly back legalizing medical marijuana

Veterans tend to be an older, more conservative group, but that doesn’t stop them from advocating for a radical change in direction from the nation’s outdated policies on marijuana. The American Legion, represents many conservative veterans, but that doesn’t stop it from taking progressive positions on certain key issues. A survey released Thursday by the American…

Cannabis genome project will allow for new crops, better medicine

Marijuana is slowly gaining public and legal acceptance, but there’s still a lot to be learned about the plant. With that in mind, researchers from the University of California Davis have started a project to map the cannabis genome. Hemp and marijuana are two different species, but they’re both strains of the cannabis (Cannabis sativa) plant. The main…