Lebanon government permits research but delays formal approval
“It is a humanitarian and moral issue. Why should a cancer patient die in pain?”
“It is a humanitarian and moral issue. Why should a cancer patient die in pain?”
The non-exclusive partnership between NRGene and Pure Cannabis Research will facilitate more rapid development of cannabis varieties than the current industry standard.
“I have known the benefits of cannabis for many years. The CBD chemical itself was something I really wanted to get out to the public.”
As it turns out the substance the gut produces to help keep the neutrophils at bay might be endocannabinoids
“Federal and state law require the district to assist a student with a disability with taking medication if such medication is necessary so that the student can attend school,”
I swear I can feel cushions of air all around me; squeezing me gently. A slight smile crosses my lips for no good reason, and then I smile harder.
“I had nothing to lose,” Fiorito said. “(The cannabis) was like a miracle. Within three days my legs were less stiff, they didn’t feel as heavy.
Dutch Passion are pleased to announce important cannabis cultivation partnerships in Australia and Colombia with MYM Nutraceuticals and in Canada with Weed Me.
“I proposed this law to help farmers. They have been the victims,”
“That was an amazing meeting. I found it incredible that there was such consistent agreement across the political spectrum. There was no dissent or disagreement whatsoever,”