Marijuana loving couple have weed wedding

The couple, who now live in Grand Junction, Colorado, originally met through their predilection for cannabis, so it seemed only fitting. Clara met Dusty while she was working at a local bar and he ended up loaning her a spliff, which was when sparks flew for the couple. In June 2017, the pair married at their home ranch and decided to celebrate their wedding doing what they loved – sharing a joint with friends and family.

Baseball Players Can Smoke Marijuana But Can’t Be Sponsored By Cannabis Companies, MLB Says

With spring training now in full swing, Major League Baseball is further clarifying its stance on marijuana. Players can now consume cannabis without risk of discipline, the league explained in a new memo, but they can’t show up to work under the influence and—at least for now—are barred from entering into commercial arrangements with companies in the marijuana industry.

New Law Brings Texas One Step Closer to Legalizing Marijuana

Texas is one step closer to joining the 34 states where medicinal marijuana is legal after state legislators passed a law written by North Texas Republican representative and registered nurse Stephanie Klick to expand the conditions that can be treated with medicinal cannabis. Although the law narrowly defines which conditions can be treated with medicinal marijuana, it is a significant expansion.