Recently, I thought I’d adopt two small dogs. It’s something I’d thought about doing for a while, but didn’t act on it for one reason or another – all having to do with my living situations the past few years.
Then, I saw their sweet faces on a Facebook posting and the decision was made for me. Felt meant-to-be. I’ve just settled into a nice sized loft apartment on a hillside, and was able to gate and fence in a good-sized patio/dog run, so I had no excuses not to give them a good home.
Since I’m just learning to walk again after a broken, then fractured foot, my caregiver went to pick them up. She’s a dog breeder and groomer, and I would not have made the decision to adopt them without knowing she’d help me.
As it was explained to me on the phone, they were full grown at a year and a half. The photo showed two, small wire-haired terroir-type mutts. The woman said one had a small area of mange on its hind side; and the other had a dog bite on its stomach, maybe infected, she said.
From Adopting, to Rescue
When my caregiver arrived, she said the two “medium-sized” dogs were tied to a patio in full-sun with no shade, little food or water; with two collars each, one set tight, to the point of causing sores on their necks. She said the leashes were so twisted together they could barely move, and that it looked like they’d been like that for a while. They were made to lay next to their own feces.
Their bellies were dissented and they were skin and bones. It would take up to four days for them to pass solid waste, and then it was apparent they were eating plants that surrounded their patio prison.
Their fur was bleached orange from long-term sun exposure. It appeared that neither of them had ever been brushed. The lighter one has Doodle in her, but her curls were so matted that most had to be cut off.
Both had extensive amounts of mange, with large swaths of skin damaged and furless. They also had ticks, but thankfully, no fleas – and, as it turned out, no worms, which was surprising.
Due to their lack of bad food, ironically, their teeth are in good condition.
The lighter one is Luna, the darker was Lady, but I see her as Layla now.
Both dogs were so weak they had to be carried from the patio to the car, then into my space. Both were groomed before being brought into the apartment.
They were in very bad shape. Luna was near death. The extensive bite marks on her belly were apparent. Thick, yellow puss oozed out from any opening, including her lower teats, which also appeared to be infected. She had a large, festering wound between the back teats that was closed up, making it difficult to heal.
Dogs as Cannabis Patients
Dogs are biologically the same as humans, and get the same ailments as we do. Infections and pain are the same, they just can’t tell us how they are feeling. In this respect, plants treat them the same way they treat us, via our endocannabinoid system – which addresses all our biological systems, and strengthens our immune system in the process. That’s what plants do.
As is my mode of operendi, I decided to treat them both topically with a half cannabis, half chamomile salve I make using coconut and shea butter, with guanabana and arnica in the current batch.
Guanabana is a South American superfood used to treat infection, inflammation, and cancer. Arnica is typically used topically for inflammation and pain, but a little research showed it too is another superfood that used to be commonly ingested.
Chamomile is another underrated, yet highly medicinal superfood, that’s been reduced to a calming up of tea. That’s the reason I add it to the cannabis infusion is, it takes the edge off the activated THC, which can test upwards of 60 percent in an oil infusion.
Chamomile is calming for dogs that are anxious, and these two rescues needed calming. It’s also an anti-inflammatory, treats infections, and is an antioxidant – which most superfoods are. Chamomile was shown to kill cancer cells in a laboratory study, with an efficacy rate of 93 percent.
Also per a study, chamomile treats depression. Tied up in the sun in their condition, anyone would be depressed.
Superfoods are any plant with a wide array of beneficial compounds, able to address a wide array of conditions. Cannabis is one of the top superfoods in the world, alongside the Coca plant – otherwise bastardized as cocaine. There are no bad plants, only bad applications.
Layla was dosed internally by licking the salve applied topically, and taking small amounts from my fingers. Luna was given a few milliliters of cannabis-infused olive oil, as her infection demanded a stronger, pure cannabis dose.
Interesting to note, Luna gobbled it all up – she needed it the most; while Layla didn’t respond positively to ingesting it until she watched Luna do so. Sibling rivalry can be productive.
Due to the severity of both their conditions, neither seem to have a diverse reaction to the THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, which would give them a head-high. They were both soon calm and sleeping peacefully. In a matter of days both were used to the activated THC, with no negative reactions.
Note: The first sign of too much THC in animals is shaking. This is due to the central nervous system (CNS) affected, nothing more. Humans may get heart palpitations, but it’s not the cardio system, it’s the CNS. Chamomile takes the edge off, calming the CNS. If a human presents at an emergency room with too much THC, they will only give a mild sedative to calm the CNS – such as valium, or something to help sleep it off.
They were also given small portions of homemade dog food I made, using infused olive oil infused with moringa and guanabana leaves. Moringa is another super food with myriad benefits.
Since we could safely assume they had not been eating well, I gradually gave them more at each sitting. This homemade food is rich and they don’t need as much – about a cup each, morning and night.
The recipe is on my website, under Apothecary.
In the recipe, I’ve mimicked what a dog would eat in the wild – raw ground meat, oats, and mixed vegetables. Dogs eat herbavores, with bellies full of grains and greens. They don’t stop to debone and cook their meat, they eat it raw.
They are also enjoying treats of peanut butter balls, made with oats and cannabis/chamomile infused honey. For chewing, I gave them stew bones to gnaw on, which they love.
I’m not a fan of kibble, no matter what they put in it, and believe dogs should eat real food.
Within days Luna’s swelling had subsided, with visible signs of healing. Both had more energy, though it took them some days to get up and move around.
The mange had also subsided, with fur growing back on both in a week’s time. I had applied the salve liberally three times a day until notably gone.
Near death, to happy dogs
It’s been a little more than two weeks since they arrived, and both are playful, good natured, and doing well. It took this long for Luna to be able to raise her tail and wag it, but she’s good now.
Albeit, neither knew any words – the only one they knew was “no.” They don’t know what “walk” means, sit or stay, but they are smart and learning fast.
Luna has anger issues and has bitten two of my friends. She also nips at play, so we must break that. If we can’t stop the aggression and biting, I’m not opposed to putting her down. That’s no life for her and not fair to anyone around her. She’s frail and weak, and for the time-being, I’m writing her actions off as a defensive reaction. It will take a while for her to trust. Both dogs bark a little too much for my liking, but we are working on that, as well.
It will also take some time for Luna’s fur to be beautiful again, but I’m just grateful she survived. We are convinced she was mere days from dying.
Why was I so confident that plants alone would treat both dogs, especially Luna’s nasty infection? Just last Fall I treated my own nasty wounds from a horse stepping on me, with great success. Shunning antibiotics, tetanus, and pain killers, much to the doctor’s dismay, with nary an infection in sight, and rapid healing, with minimal scarring
(Weed World #145 )
Since coming into the cannabis space eight years ago this Fall, I’ve used myself as a lab rat, treating any ailment I have with cannabis and/or the superfoods mentioned, with positive outcomes. In as many years, I’ve interviewed numerous cannabis patients who have treated themselves and their pets with great success. Knowing successful outcomes in lieu of pending studies gives me confidence to bypass traditional pharmaceuticals with myriad negative side effects, for undeniable healing.
The main side effect of using superfoods to heal is a strengthened immune system, with all our biological systems addressed. My fur babies and I are living proof of the power of plants.
Sharon’s Super Dog Food
1 pound raw ground meat
2 cups raw oats
2 cups chopped vegetables (or mixed, frozen vegetables)
1 cup infused oil (see oil infusion recipe below)
2 eggs
Mix all, store in refrigerator, freeze or use immediately. Serving size depends on size of dog. Average dog, one cup per serving.
Infused Olive Oil
¼ cup super food – one or combinations of: Moringa, guanabana, and/ or chamomile
1 liter olive oil (have also used grape seed, sunflower and avocado oil)
Simmer in crock pot for 2-3 hours on low.
Stir often to insure mix does not burn. If your crock pot gets too hot, turn it off to cool, and start over.
Note: Sharon uses a Magical Butter Machine to infuse her oil.
Applications: Infused cooking oil can also be used in salad dressings and sauces. It can also be administered with a dropper as a tincture for single dosing.
For more recipes visit,
Follow Sharon’s Kitchen Apothecary page on Facebook, and her album on Pinterest.
Follow Sharon on Instagram, @sharoneletts
Published and Written by Sharon Letts in Weed World Magazine Issue 148
- Kitchen Apothecary – Sharon Letts
- Kitchen Apothecary: Making Cannabis Oil at Home – By Sharon Letts
- Kitchen Apothecary – Cannabis to the Canine Rescue, By Sharon letts
- Kitchen Apothecary: Kids & Cannabis: A cannabis chamomile honey tincture to calm, focus, and reset, By Sharon Letts
- Kitchen Apothecary – Apple Cider Vinegar Infusions – By Sharon Letts
- Kitchen Apothecary, Treating Diffuse & Follicular Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Chronic Pain with Cannabis Infused Olive Oil.
- Kitchen Apothecary – Easy Tinctures & Tonics – By Sharon Letts
- Kitchen Apothecary, Infused Ice Cream From Belushi’s Farm, By Sharon Letts
- Kitchen Apothecary: The Herbal Bar, Setting up an herbal bar, with and without alcohol
- Kitchen Apothecary – Cannabis Infused Honey & Ganja Chai tea – By Sharon Letts
- Kitchen Apothecary: Herbed Salad Dressing Using Infused Olive Oil, By Sharon Letts
- Kitchen Apothecary: Debi Bair, Cannabis Patient & Remedy Maker – By Sharon Letts
- Kitchen Apothecary: Grace Elisea, Cabo Cannabis Company – Circus Animal Doughnuts! By Sharon Letts