Words & images by Dutch Passion
This grow took place indoors during autumn, during the months of September, October and November. Starting off with higher temperatures and at the end, during flowering temperatures were getting quite cold already.
This Autoflower grow as done under A MIGRO Aray 4, 250W LED light. This beautiful LED light is highly effective, has a nice even spread, pleasant white light and is dimmable in steps of 20%.
A nice growing seedling was selected to be featured in this grow.
Soil was a 50/50% mix of lightmix and coco substrate.
Light schedule as usual, was set to 20 hours of light, 4 hours of darkness.
Feeding was added:
Bio Rhizotonic root stimulator,
BAC grow, bloom and PK booster.
And Biotabs were also added to the soil as a bonus.
No special techniques, all natural growing. A few low hanging leaves were removed, but nothing mayor. There was an ideal space between leaves and branches, so there was not much need to remove any excess branches or leaves.
Week 9:
It looks like this one will be ready on time. Somewhere between week 10 and 11 should be a fine time to harvest based on the current looks. Buds now look super frosty already. And the shape of the buds is great. Nice dense nuggets almost ready for picking like apples on a tree. At this time I stopped feeding it, and will only give water for the last 2 weeks. This will flush out any excess feeding but might also turn some leaves more yellow / brown colour.
Week 10:
We’re almost at the end of this grow, and I am excited about the final looks. Because it is now November and temperatures are gone down both outdoors as indoors, you can see some darker colours showing in the leaves and flowers. This combined with a very frosty overall appearance makes the Auto Melonade Runtz look great! Trichomes are getting too that sweet spot between milky with a few amber coloured ones. Some parts are still clear. I’ll let her grow for 1 more week and then it’s harvest time.
Week 11:
Harvesting: I’ve harvested the plant, (buds on the left side) trimming and cutting was very easy and pleasant. Good bud structure and frosty buds make this one a quick and easy job.
The smell is quite pleasant, a sour touch but with slight tropical scent. Definitely not an unpleasant smell.
This autoflower seems to be something special and a real nice addition to the Dutch Passion collection. Buds look super frosty, smell amazing, nice and firm.
Yield was in line with some of the better yielding ones. For not being too large in size, it still yielded around 110 gr of super appealing buds.