Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to study medical marijuana and autism

“This is truly an observational study,” Zuppa said. “We’re not giving them anything. We’re just gathering data to educate ourselves.” Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia is pairing with an Australian biopharmaceutical company in what some advocates say could be the first major effort in the United States to study the effects of medical marijuana on children with…

Medical marijuana for children with cancer? What providers think

A study published in Pediatrics examined interdisciplinary provider perspectives on legal medical marijuana use in children with cancer. It found that 92 percent of providers were willing to help children with cancer access medical marijuana. However, providers who are legally eligible to certify for medical marijuana were less open to endorsing its use. While nearly…

Queensland Bauxite to Test World First Cannabis Pain Relief Pill

Queensland Bauxite plans to test a “world first” cannabis pain relief pill in Australia under an agreement with a group of US chemists. Vitacann, owned by Queensland Bauxite’s Medical Cannabis subsidiary, signed a “letter of intent” to join forces with the unnamed group of chemists to manufacture pills for short and extended pain relief. Queensland…

Associations between medical cannabis and other drug use among unstably housed women

Several studies suggest that U.S. state-level legalization of cannabis for medical purposes may be associated with reductions in opioid use; yet its relationship with stimulant use, particularly in high-risk populations like unstably housed women, has received less attention. Associations between use of cannabis and “street drugs” depend on whether the cannabis is obtained through a medical context. Interventions, research, and policy considering the influence of cannabis on the use of other drugs may benefit by distinguishing between medical and non-medical cannabis use.

Colorado Researchers Looking For Dogs To Test CBD Treatments

Research in Colorado is progressing into the four legged variety Researchers at Colorado State University are looking for dogs with osteoarthritis or epilepsy to test cannabidiol treatments. Cannabidiols, or CBDs, are a non-psychoactive component of marijuana. “The CBD product is very low in the psychoactive component of cannabis, THC, making it safe for use in dogs,” researchers stated on the CSU website. Each dog will be randomly assigned…