The use of cannabis in response to the opioid crisis: A review of the literature

Review of the current literature suggests states that implement MC policies could reduce POM-associated mortality, improve pain management, and significantly reduce health care costs. However, MC research is constrained by federal policy restrictions, and more research related to MC as a potential alternative to POM for pain management, MC harms, and its impact on POM-related harms and health care costs should be a priority of public health, medical, and nursing research.

The New Cannabis Capsule Is So Powerful It Can Replace Any Pain Killer

Made from organic fair trade cocoa butter and distilled THC oil Painkilling drugs, like many pharmaceuticals, have come under fire for their harmful side effects. Despite these well-documented effects, pharmaceuticals still have a monopoly over the health business and have even come between natural products and FDA approval. However, cannabis has been gaining a steady voice in the…

Medical Marijuana Is About To Become More Accessible In Malta

Malta’s law regulating medical marijuana is about to become less restricted, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has announced. “Cabinet will start discussing changes to the law regulating medical marijuana in November,” Muscat told a media briefing yesterday. “It is only when we update the law on medical marijuana that we’ll start discussing possible legalisation for personal…

Edmonton mom hopes 15-year-old daughter can smoke medical marijuana at school

Smoking sessions would take place between classes indoors at Victoria School of the Arts Denise Chriss is asking the Edmonton public school board to allow her 15-year-old daughter to smoke marijuana between classes inside Victoria School of the Arts. Chriss says she has good reasons for the unusual request. Her daughter, Autum Bibaud-Keech, a Grade 10 student, uses the drug…