Jeff Sessions’ Marijuana Adviser Wants Doctors to Drug-Test Everyone
Dr. Robert DuPont practically invented the term ‘gateway drug’ in the 1980s. Now he’s back with radical ideas on how to fight the war on drugs
DetailsDr. Robert DuPont practically invented the term ‘gateway drug’ in the 1980s. Now he’s back with radical ideas on how to fight the war on drugs
Detailswhen state law and federal laws do not match it places the users in a real catch 22
Details“I think sometime. Not the ballot initiative necessarily or anything in the legislature, but in time, if we get the science to back up the fact there is a medicinal use for marijuana, that it does cure pain as a medicine,
Details“We’re hoping to have these first genetic materials landed within a month and local production out the farm gate within the next three to four months,”