The Instagrammer of the month is chosen on our main instagram page that can be found HERE
To be in with a chance of showcasing your grows on our instagram page, website and hard copy magazine, please direct message us!
This month we have @daggadna
Written and Published in Weed World Magazine Issue 161
Hello, World!
I wasn’t always a stonemason. I am (actually) a hairstylist by trade, and apart from that I did some DJing, music production and I’m currently working on gaining some more knowledge about marketing and graphic design.
My interest and awareness about cannabis grew with years. By understanding this culture and also finding myself in it, I became so driven that at some point I was also an activist for cannabis legalization and naturalization. So for the last 10 years I’m living a stigma free life, influencing people around me to help them understand cannabis, and with that also me and my relationship towards it. But it took another level of awakening for me to start growing my own cannabis.
It was the year 2018 when I bought my first seeds and all the necessary equipment for indoor growing. Initially I was doing it strictly for myself but today it seems like I was preparing for the year 2019 when my father got stage 4 prostate cancer. After hearing the news my intuition was stronger than ever. I gave my all, learned a ton about cancer, how to cure it with the help of cannabis and how to deal with everthing. I signed up for Instagram mainly after my positive experience with my father’s cancer, my passion, love, and gratitude towards the cannabis plant, and the everlasting need to make a world a better place.
Simply put, I had to share my story and tell the world that cannabis is really helpful with cancer. Not just cancer, but also some less obvious mental issues this society is dealing with more and more. I am just one of thousands with similar experiences, but the activist in me forced me to share my view on this sacred plant, and to simply to be me. Little did I know that this would become my favorite hobby. Not just growing my own medicine, but also content making.