Background: The policies and practices related to medical cannabis are currently in flux. These changes have been associated with many controversies, and there is a lack of consensus within the medical community regarding medical cannabis practices.
Objectives: To validate clinical vignettes that can be used to examine and improve medical cannabis practices.
Methods: Ten physicians participated in a Delphi survey of two consequent rounds in which they quantified the eligibility of medical cannabis therapy for six clinical vignettes describing both chronic pain and cancer patients.
Results: Higher consensus was achieved for the vignettes of cancer patients, which were additionally rated as more eligible for medical cannabis therapy. The highest level of consent (4.3 out of 5) was achieved regarding a vignette of a metastatic cancer patient. While in some cases physicians consolidated their ratings toward the group’s average, in other cases they remained stable in their responses.
Conclusions: While controversies related to medical cannabis are expected to remain rampant, the validated vignettes may facilitate assessment of clinical practices, which is essential for a successful implementation of medical cannabis policies. These vignettes may additionally be used in medical training for appropriate patient selection for medical cannabis authorization.
Source: Pubmed
- PMID: 31713356
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