Hello Professor,
I have a few cannabis plants growing in my vegetable garden. They love the sun and soil and are doing quite well, but I have a lot of animals sneaking in and doing damage to my garden. So far they have left my babies alone but I’m worried that they’ll get eaten anytime now. I don’t want to kill the animals or mess with an electric fence. Any help you can suggest would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Hello Kaylee,
There are some things you can do to keep animals out of a garden. Some stores sell sprays that deter the animals from coming around and some growers swear by using coyote or fox urine, but the thing I found that works really well is to cut up a few bars of Irish Spring soap and spread chunks around the garden. Apparently, most animals hate the smell. You will have to reapply the soap every two or three weeks as the smell will fade over time.
Good luck!
Professor Lee