Opportunities for cannabis in supportive care in cancer
Cannabis has the potential to modulate some of the most common and debilitating symptoms of cancer and its treatments, including nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and pain.
Cannabis has the potential to modulate some of the most common and debilitating symptoms of cancer and its treatments, including nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and pain.
A recent bill to legalize CBD and other non-psychoactive ingredients of the cannabis plant for the use in food and dietary supplements.
Hebrew University team complete first-ever meta-analysis of pediatric patients treated with medical cannabis
Professional athletes are turning to cannabis products to help them manage pain, but leagues such as the NFL aren’t yet ready to get on board.
So much so that one of the leading cannabis chefs in North America is now travelling across Canada hosting workshops and teaching chefs how to properly cook with it.
Policy discussions amidst recent changes in the legal status of cannabis for medical purposes have raised concerns regarding the diversion of medical cannabis to nonlicensed users.
The brother of a severely epileptic boy has hand-delivered a letter to Downing Street urging the prime minister to help get a medical cannabis prescription for his sibling.
Billy & his mother both want nothing more than to give hope to people who would benefit from further steps towards affordable access to cannabis-based prescriptions.
Scotland’s first medical cannabis clinic has begun prescribing to patients suffering from chronic pain conditions.
In a market plagued by endless copycat battle royales, annual updates to established franchises and stale, identikit single-player campaigns, it’s always nice to see something come out that dares to be a little bit different.