How to save the taxpayer nearly £900m – legalise cannabis.
“It is clear that the current attempts to prevent cannabis use are an enormous burden on taxpayers that mean their money isn’t spent on other priorities,”
“It is clear that the current attempts to prevent cannabis use are an enormous burden on taxpayers that mean their money isn’t spent on other priorities,”
The primaries in the Israeli Labor Party—which leads the opposition to Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party—recently forced
the top candidates to make statements in favor of cannabis.
The Israeli dealers rediscover the Internet and the police are helpless – A special interview with 3 local cannabis dealers.
Background Although almost every state medical marijuana (MM) law identifies cancer as a qualifying condition, little research supports MM’s use in oncology. Oncologists’ beliefs, knowledge, and practices regarding MM were examined in this study. Although 70% of oncologists do not feel equipped to make clinical recommendations regarding MM, the vast majority conduct discussions with patients about MM and nearly one-half do, in fact, recommend it clinically. A majority believes MM is useful for certain indications.