The story of the strain ‘Dannyboy’ By Subcool
I want to tell you the story of the strain Dannyboy and how it got its unusual strain name. But, before I tell you about the strain, let me tell you about the man.
I want to tell you the story of the strain Dannyboy and how it got its unusual strain name. But, before I tell you about the strain, let me tell you about the man.
Major developments are happening in the global cannabis industry. Most recently, the European Union legalized a cannabinoid-based medication for patients aged two years and above who suffer from rare types of epilepsy; Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome. The name of that medication was Epidiolex – produced by British drug company GW Pharmaceuticals.
The inauguration of Israel’s 35th government on May 17 was a particularly depressing event for many Israelis.
After all, they were watching one of the most bloated governments (34 ministers) in all of Israel’s history take office. But for the hundreds of thousands of cannabis users in Israel, it signified a happy change. For the first time in years, there is a real chance that cannabis will be fully legalized.
For years, cannabis stocks were virtually unstoppable. Following a more-than-tripling in worldwide sales between 2014 and 2018 to $10.9 billion, Wall Street and investors sent pot stock valuations into the stratosphere.
Cannabis researchers in Canada say the plant-based drug may provide resistance to SARS-CoV-2. Their preliminary findings are part of broader research into the use of medicinal cannabis in treating cancer.
Delays in passing new laws governing the possession and use of cannabis, caused by the Covid-19 lockdown, have placed on hold the development of a different kind of green economy mentioned by President Cyril Rampahosa in his February State of the Nation address.
Over the last decade or two there has been a massive expansion in the number of self-sufficient cannabis growers. Ironically the failed prohibition of cannabis has been largely responsible for this.
Anyone that has visited the USA’s legal cannabis scene recently will have noticed the almost omni-present CBD oils, concentrates, buds and edibles that are appearing.
Despite some tough competition over the years, Auto Mazar has remained a top-5 customer favorite ever since she was released.
The government has announced plans to measure the threat from Covid-19 in England, with a new five-level, colour-coded alert system.