Cannabis use fell during Covid-19 pandemic, study finds
Cannabis use fell during the Covid-19 pandemic but there was an increase in the use of cocaine, alcohol and street-sourced prescription medication, according to a new report.
Cannabis use fell during the Covid-19 pandemic but there was an increase in the use of cocaine, alcohol and street-sourced prescription medication, according to a new report.
Mada, 21, works at a weed dispensary in eastern Thailand, her boyfriend grows cannabis plants at home, and several of her friends sell bongs, pipes and buds in pop-up stalls and bars.
Germany is mulling over the consequences of soon becoming the world’s largest potential market for legally sold cannabis.
Almost six million Britons would start smoking cannabis if it was legalised, research warns today.
Cannabis is the most widely used psychotropic substance worldwide and is the second most commonly smoked substance after tobacco.
Cannabis consumption increased and ecstasy consumption decreased between March and April 2021, when restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic were in force, reveals a new online survey.
THE Sisters of the Valley, a group of self-ordained “weed nuns,” have rejoiced over the findings of a new study that suggests cannabis may help prevent infections of Covid-19.
A new report launched yesterday argues for “inevitable” cannabis reform in the UK, as advocates and campaigners are joining forces to combat social injustice surrounding the substance.
Cannabis compounds prevented the virus that causes Covid-19 from penetrating healthy human cells, according to a laboratory study published in the Journal of Nature Products.
In 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine may adopt a bill on the legalization of medical cannabis, initiated by the Cabinet of Ministers.