Unlocking CBN
Californian Scientists Unlock the Power of Using Cannabinol (CBN) to Protect Against Neurodegenerative Diseases
Californian Scientists Unlock the Power of Using Cannabinol (CBN) to Protect Against Neurodegenerative Diseases
Growing numbers of patients, consuming cannabinoids admitted to surgery, create a challenge to anesthesia providers
The trope of the kind, friendly stoners may actually hold some truth to it. A new study suggests that cannabis users are more likely to be empathetic, agreeable, and friendly. Oh, and they’re less greedy too.
People who recreationally use cocaine and cannabis could have their passport and driving licence taken away from them, under new rules proposed by the Home Office.
A South Ayrshire councillor has spoken about the positive impact medically-prescribed Cannabis has had in her life as she hopes to break the stigma and address financial costs surrounding the drug.
Insufficient management of cancer-associated chronic and neuropathic pain adversely affects patient quality of life.
Mada, 21, works at a weed dispensary in eastern Thailand, her boyfriend grows cannabis plants at home, and several of her friends sell bongs, pipes and buds in pop-up stalls and bars.
There is not a single pharmacological agent with demonstrated therapeutic efficacy for traumatic brain injury (TBI).
Germany is mulling over the consequences of soon becoming the world’s largest potential market for legally sold cannabis.
Globally, chronic pain is a major therapeutic challenge and affects more than 15% of the population.