George Kruis hopes to see medicinal cannabis introduced as an alternative to painkillers to help players cope with the wear and tear caused by the modern game.
In the United Kingdom it is currently only prescribed for severe forms of epilepsy, the side-effects of chemotherapy and multiple sclerosis, but there are growing calls for it to be seen as a treatment for a wider ranger of conditions.
Kruis, the England and Lions lock, co-launched cannabis oil company fourfivecbd two years ago and sees the stronger medicinal form that contains the psychoactive compound THC as having far-reaching benefits within sport.
“I hope that as professional rugby players we’re not too far off having access to medicinal cannabis as part of it being made available to athletes generally,” Kruis told the PA new agency.
“It’s a natural alternative to some of the bits that are out there on the market already. It’s user-led and the push is from patient to doctor and it has a lot of people interested in it.
“It’s prescribed as an alternative to painkillers in many countries. In the next few years there will be more attention put towards these types of treatments as part of a holistic approach.
“Players are calling for it in NFL and there have been some recent changes to what gets flagged in some of their tests.
“If you’re an international player, rugby comes thick and fast. It’s a tough sport.
Source: BTSport