Cannabinoids in Pain Management and Palliative Medicine
There are conflicting interpretations of the evidence regarding the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of cannabinoids in pain management and palliative medicine.
There are conflicting interpretations of the evidence regarding the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of cannabinoids in pain management and palliative medicine.
The debate surrounding cannabis legislation in the UK is messy, marred by so much in-fighting and disagreement that often either side of the debate don’t come across well enough to convince a four-year-old of anything, let alone a country.
I dry trim the plant and put that into a gallon jar and stick that in the freezer. I will take a 190 or 160 micron bubble bag and shake the frozen dry trim for 2 min and jar up my sift. I use 25/35 micron rosin bag and will press at 170 degrees for 90 seconds around 6000 pounds.
Over the past 7 years or so (or however long it has actually been since I first joined the Weed World family), I have had the utmost pleasure of becoming acquainted with some truly remarkable people.
Medical cannabis is increasingly used as a treatment or adjunct treatment with different levels of efficacy in several neurological disorders or related symptoms (such as multiple sclerosis, autism, Parkinson and Alzheimer disease, Tourette’s syndrome, Huntington’s disease, neuropathic pain, epilepsy, headache), as well as in other medical conditions (e.g. nausea and vomiting, glaucoma, appetite stimulation, cancer, inflammatory conditions, asthma).
Growing your own cannabis is an exciting time for the average home grower. It doesn’t matter whether you have grown cannabis all your life or whether you are doing it for the first time. Planning the grow, and preparing everything required for a smooth cultivation, can be great fun.
Cannabis sativa has long been used for medicinal purposes. To improve safety and efficacy, compounds from C. sativa were purified or synthesized and named under an umbrella group as cannabinoids. Currently, several cannabinoids may be prescribed in Canada for a variety of indications such as nausea and pain.
I first heard of this colorful strain when I moved to Arizona after the fire. I knew she was a beautiful plant with that rich purple color everyone loves, but I also kept hearing the word “Boof” associated with her. I was able to sample some rosin made from her buds and I loved the grape-rich flavour.
This review illustrates some brief considerations of the medical use of cannabis recently issued in Italy. History and uses of cannabis throughout centuries and different countries are illustrated together with a description of botany and active phytocannabinoids.
Creating your own unique cross of cannabis can be a highly rewarding challenge. Once you have dailed in the genetic and know the plant intimately, mastering your own strain is one of the best things about growing