Celebrity chef arrested after ‘experimenting with cannabis as a new Mediterranean flavour for his dishes’

He told police that he was working on the new flavours for “contemporary cuisine” according to The Local Italy.

Carmelo, who hosted a TV cooking show, was found in the possession of two large marijuana plants and 1kg of Indian hemp

Other items found at his home included cannabis-infused wine, coffee, olives and tuna, which were taken by police.

Prescribing medical cannabis in Canada: Are we being too cautious?

There has been much recent discussion and debate surrounding cannabis in Canada, including the prescribing of medical cannabis for therapeutic purposes. Certain commentators – including the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) – have denounced the prescribing of cannabis for medical purposes due to a perceived lack of evidence related to the drug’s efficacy, harms, and mechanism of action. In this commentary, we present arguments in favour of prescribing medical cannabis in Canada.