Cannabis expansion – over the ages by Fred Delisio
“After years of personal curiosity regarding THCv I finally found that wonderfully novel cannabinoid.
“After years of personal curiosity regarding THCv I finally found that wonderfully novel cannabinoid.
Although EFSA’s Novel Food Catalogue is merely advisory, domestic regulators rely on it for guidance and are likely to act first, ask questions later.
This clinic will represent a lifeline to those who have found other treatments ineffective.
Parkinson’s disease (PD), a neurodegenerative disorder, is the second most common neurological illness in United States. Neurologically, it is characterized by the selective degeneration of a unique population of cells, the nigrostriatal dopamine neurons. The current treatment is symptomatic and mainly involves replacement of dopamine deficiency. This therapy improves only motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and is associated with a number of adverse effects including dyskinesia. Cannabis and related compounds have created significant research interest as a promising therapy in neurodegenerative and movement disorders.