As I see it, it is important that medicinal cannabis is subsidized so that everyone can benefit from it
Medical cannabis will soon be a state-subsidized medication for certain patients in Denmark. When the agreement comes into effect, Danish patients who have terminal illnesses will be eligible to get free cannabis while patients with other, non-terminal conditions will receive a 50% rebate on their own medically prescribed marijuana.
The decision follows criticism that medical marijuana was unaffordable for the patients who needed it most. So the Danish government hopes to improve that situation by subsidizing cannabis like other medicines.
And at least one opposition party is onboard with the government’s decision.
“As I see it, it is important that medicinal cannabis is subsidized so that everyone can benefit from it, regardless of their income,” Liselott Blixit – a spokesperson for the Danish People’s Party – recently told The Copenhagen Post.
Now if only she could talk some sense into Jeff Sessions and other members of the Trump administration that are preventing the federal government from finally recognizing marijuana as medicine in America.
h/t The Copenhagen Post
Calvin Hughes – Civilized
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