A novel phytocannabinoid isolated from Cannabis sativa L. with an in vivo cannabimimetic activity higher than Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol: Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabiphorol

Cannabis sativa has always been a controversial plant as it can be considered as a lifesaver for several pathologies including glaucoma and epilepsy, an invaluable source of nutrients, an environmentally friendly raw material for manufacturing and textiles, but it is also the most widely spread illicit drug in the world, especially among young adults.

CBD Can Promote Your Yoga Practice

It comes as no surprise that with our packed schedules and our crammed lives, that treating conditions such as anxiety and depression with prescription medication is a $15 billion a year worldwide industry. For some, prescription medications are a no-go either because of allergies or because they want to opt for something more natural.